Lacerta, the Lizard is the FrenchLezard,
the ItalianLucertola,
and the GermanEidechse,—Bode'sEideze,
— extending from the head of Cepheus to the star pi at the
left foot ofPegasus,
its northern half lying in the Milky Way.
This inconspicuous constellation was formed by Hevelius from
outlying stars betweenCygnusandAndromeda,
this special figure having been selected because there was
not space for any of a different shape. But he drew "a
strange weasel-built creature with a curly tail," heading
the procession of his offerings to Urania illustrated in hisFirmamentumSobiescianumof
1687. Flamsteed's picture is more like a greyhound, but
equally uncouth; that by Heis is typically correct.
Roddenbury hill fort ,The
Frome Hoard , Worm Lizards , a lizard survives a
spin-wash in Somerset
The hoard is one of the largest ever found in
Britain, and is also important as it contains
the largest group ever found of coins issued
during the reign of
who ruled Britain independently from 286 to 293
and was the firstRoman
strike coins in Britain.
Section drawing of the pot in situ,
showing the pit in which the pot was
placed, the lid over the mouth of
the pot, the organic matter and the
small hole dug by Crisp.
Reverse of a bronze coin from the Hoard from the
reign of Carausius,
showing two hands being clasped, and the
abbreviation RSR, standing forRedeunt
Saturnia Regnammeaning
"The Golden Ages have returned".
Worm lizards dispersed by ‘rafting’ over oceans, not continental
Mexican Worm Lizard (Bipes biporus)(c)
2012 Adam G. Clause
Press release issued:1
April 2015
Tiny, burrowing reptiles known as worm lizards became
widespread long after the breakup of the continents,
leading scientists at the universities of Bristol, Bath,
Yale and George Washington to conclude that they must
have dispersed by rafting across oceans soon after the
extinction of the dinosaurs, rather than by continental
drift as previously thought.
The scientists used information from fossils and DNA
from living species to create a molecular clock to
give a more accurate timescale of when the different
species split apart from each other.
The team studied fossils of worm lizards (Amphisbaenia),
a type of burrowing lizards that live almost
exclusively underground. The six families of worm
lizards are found in five different continents,
puzzling biologists as to how these creatures became
so widespread. .....
Worm lizards, burrowing reptiles native to continents and
islands around the globe, appear at about the same place in the
fossil record all over the world, just above the K-T
(Cretaceous-Paleogene, aka Cretaceous-Tertiary)boundary.
These creatures are not particularly mobile, so how did they get
there? The solution to this biogeographical mystery is startling
to evolutionists but supports an idea long held by many
Bible-believing scientists.
This map presents the evolutionary view of how many millions
of years ago worm lizards, after supposedly evolving in
North America, arrived in distant parts of the world on
floating mats of vegetation. This replaces the earlier
notion that worm lizards were distributed throughout the
world over millions of years when the supercontinent Pangaea
presumably broke apart. However, models consistent with
biblical history explain the presence of worm lizards in
their many locations past and present without invoking
millions of years or any evolutionary claims. Following the
global Flood about 4,350 years ago, representatives of all
air-breathing created kinds of land animals disembarked from
Noah’s Ark, reproduced and varied within their kinds, and
replenished the earth. Migration across land bridges formed
during the post-Flood Ice Age and oceanic rafting on
floating debris are two ways these animals likely reached
distant shores. Image reproduced from Nicholas Longrich et
al., “Biogeography of Worm Lizards (Amphisbaenia)
Driven by End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction,”Proceedings
of the Royal SocietyB
(April 2015), doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.3034.
certainly the Answersingenesis people believe it and have
done a lovely graphic ( above ) source
Larry stowed away in a holidaymaker's laundry from
his home in the Cape Verde Islands
A rare lizard survived a 3,000-mile flight and a machine
wash cycle after being unknowingly thrown in with the
laundry by a Somerset holidaymaker.
Sue Banwell-Moore had returned from the Cape Verde
Islands when she found the creature among her clean
Ms Banwell-Moore, said: "I did scream, I was just so
shocked. I couldn't believe how it got there, on my
The Chioninia lizard, which has been named Larry, has
been re-homed at the Tropiquaria Wildlife Park in
'Little head'
After the initial shock of finding the reptile on her
kitchen floor, Ms Banwell "sort of fell in love with
She and her family feared Larry would not survive the
night after his double ordeal.
It was put in a warm box in the hope it would make a
full recovery.
"He put his little head up, like he was reacting to my
voice, I was just so pleased he was doing well," she
The lizard has been taken to a wildlife park in Somerset
where it is under close observation.
Park director, Chris Moiser, said: "It is very rare -
Cape Verde islands is one of those places with native
species found nowhere else in the world, it's so remote.
"We have it down to one of two species but to tell the
difference between these we need to carefully count some
of the small facial scales, which is rather difficult on
a relatively small lizard, which moves at speed."
There are concerns that the washing powder detergent
could have been inhaled by the lizard, which could
affect its lungs and cause pneumonia.
So far, staff at the wildlife park say it is doing well
and is "almost out of the danger-zone".