
Thomas Hardy
heavy horses  

Thomas Hardy

National Trust acquires Dorset heathland that inspired Thomas Hardy

200-acre Slepe Heath, bought for £650,000, is a place to lose yourself in, says trust, and also a rich site for rare flora and fauna

Slepe Heath in Dorset. Photograph: National Trust/PA

The skies are huge, the browns, greens and burnished yellows of the heath striking. It is not much of a leap to imagine a Thomas Hardy character striding through the heather, heading for a tragic end.

More than 200 acres of this dramatic landscape – Slepe Heath in Dorset, Hardy’s homeland and thought to be an inspiration for Egdon Heath in The Return of the Native – has been acquired by the National Trust and is being restored to the glory that inspired the great writer.


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Dorset Heavy Horses 

Dorset Heavy Horse Centre, Edmondsham,
Dorset. BH21 5RJ

Tel:01202 824040